If you have ADHD or think you might:
The A.D.D. Resource Center can help!

Is it Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder? ASL version

American Sign Language icon

Learn about symptoms of ADHD, how ADHD is diagnosed, and treatment recommendations including behavior therapy, medication, and school support. Watch the video ASL version on the CDC site here: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/adhd/video/asl-adhd/asl-adhd.wmv (It’s the same video just a different version) Transcript available at: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/adhd/video/asl-adhd/asl-adhd-ad-transcript-508.pdf

Parenting in Captivity

Using the five pillars of positive parenting with ADHD to bring peace to your home https://www.addrc.org/library/Parenting%20in%20Captivity.mp4 Explore the specific hurdles and challenges that show up when parenting with ADHD. Dr. Caldwell discusses particular strategies you can employ to bring peace, calm, and connection back to parenting and how to parent through the stress, discomfort, and … Read more

Temores y Prejucios Sobre el ADHD (TDAH) – en Español/Spanish

El Dr. Brown conduce una discusion sobre los temores y prejuicios que sirven come barreres para tratar el Sindrome de Deficiencia de Atención e Hiperactividad AD/HD por sus siglas en, ingles. Existe una fuerte evidencia cientifica que soporta la validez del diagnostico del AD/HD y la efectividad de los tratamientos disponilbes para este trastorno en … Read more

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