If you have ADHD or think you might:
The A.D.D. Resource Center can help!

What is the best way to talk to someone with problems listening because of ADHD?


When communicating with someone unable to listen, there are a few strategies you can employ to effectively convey your message.

Here are some approaches you can try:

  1. Use alternative methods of communication: If the person is unable to listen, consider using alternative means of communication, such as writing notes, using sign language if applicable, or utilizing visual aids and gestures to convey your message.
  2. Simplify your message: Keep your message simple, concise, and easy to understand. Avoid using complex language or lengthy explanations. Use visual aids or demonstrations to help illustrate your points, if possible.
  3. Before beginning: Alert the person that what you are about to say is essential, not and not just “background noise.” e.g., “What I am about to say is extremely important.” Finally, you can ask them a question to make sure they understand.
  4. Patience and understanding: Recognize that communicating with someone unable to listen may require more time and effort. Be patient, understanding, and empathetic. Allow them sufficient time to process information and respond, and be prepared to repeat or rephrase your message if necessary.
  5. Engage other senses: Explore alternative ways to engage their other senses. For example, if someone is unable to hear, you can focus on tactile or visual experiences that can enhance their understanding or create a more immersive communication environment.
  6. Seek assistance: Depending on the situation, it may be helpful to involve an ADHD Coach or a communication specialist who can facilitate communication between you and the individual. These experts can help bridge the communication gap and effectively convey your message.

Remember that each person’s circumstances and abilities may vary, so it’s important to adapt your communication approach based on their specific needs and abilities.

The ADD Resource Center – info@addrc.org – https://www.addrc.org/ – +1 646/205.8080

Listen with the intent to understand, not with the intent to reply.

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