If you have ADHD or think you might:
The A.D.D. Resource Center can help!

Books and Other Items for People with ADHD

book sprayOne of the best ways to figure out how to manage your own ADHD (and the ADHD of people you relate to) is to read about it. Here is a list of great books to check out: ebooks written by Hal Meyer and Susan Lasky (just following) as well as Hal’s pick of the best books and a whole slew of books available on the topic on Amazon.
Check out our eBooks: No waiting! Download them immediately in your computer!

Behavioral Interventions for Parents of Children with ADD/ADHD:
Eleven pages of tips for parents of children with ADD, ADHD and related disorders.

Managing your Child with ADD/ADHD at Home:34 pages of practical advice for parenting children with ADHD.

Managing Your Child with ADHD at School:51 pages of wonderfully useful tips and strategies on how to help your child succeed in school

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Hal’s Picks of the ADHD Book World

Many of these books have an option to read a digital sample of the books.
On the linked-to landing page, look for the link to the digital version to download a sample chapter or two.
Don’t have a Kindle? Get one here.

All these books are available at Amazon.com. Just click on the title or the book and be redirected to exactly the right place. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Livescribe 3 Smartpen Pro Edition for Android & iOS Tablets and Smartphones
Simply write on paper and the Livescribe 3 smartpen captures all your notes
Totally ADD Tips for an Organized lifeAdd friendly ways to organize your life
Judith Kolberg and Kathleen Nadeau
Wake Assure Alarm Clockvery loud bed shaking alarm clock
3 Different Alarms:
85+ Db, Blinking Lamp, Vibrating Bedshaker
Raising Girls with ADHD by James W. Forgan Ph.D., Mary Anne Richey M.S.Ed.
All ABout IEPs by Peter W.D. Wright and Pamela Darr Wright, MA, MSW and Sandra Webb O’Connor, M.Ed

Need an ebook reader? Get a Kindle

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There are lots of ADHD books on Amazon
Click on any of these links and find a list of books on just that topic.

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