If you have ADHD or think you might:
The A.D.D. Resource Center can help!

Strategies for Parenting Children and Teens with ADHD

Living with ADHD

Living with ADHD is not easy. Not for parents, not for siblings, and most of all, not for the child with ADHD. We have learned so much in the past 10 years to help ease the path for these children both in school and at home.

Presented by ADHD Parent Coach Cindy Goldrich

This presentation covers the essential strategies that parents can implement to help their children not just survive, but actually thrive. Learn about the best supports for your child and how to get them, ADHD beyond the diagnosis, and how to best prepare yourselves for the journey ahead, including:

  • How to create a strong, supportive school connection
  • Help your child value his/her strengths and opportunities
  • Teach your child to advocate for himself/herself in school and in life.
  • Understand the true impact of ADHD beyond the diagnosis so you can truly help your child achieve their potential

Cindy Goldrich, ED.M. is a certified ADHD Coach and parenting specialist.

.addrc.org        addrc@mail.com

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