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ADD/ADHD and Mindfulness – Audio Presentation by Mark Bertin, M.D.

Everyday Mindfulness: Common Sense and Evidence-Based Tools for Living with (or without) ADHD

Mindfulness means aiming to live fully aware of our moment-to-moment experience with objectivity and compassion. Through hundreds of studies, the practice of mindfulness has been shown potentially useful for everything from stress management and anxiety to attention training in ADHD. While meditation is frequently part of the program and may seem intimidating to imagine, in reality, mindfulness is accessible to anyone. This talk will offer mindfulness exercises usable in everyday life for common daily challenges, such as: struggles with focus and completing tasks, transitioning attention, negative self-talk, as well as issues with eating, sleeping and beyond.


Dr. Mark Bertin is a developmental pediatrician in Pleasantville, NY. He is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at New York Medical College, on the faculty of the Windward Teacher Training Institute, and on the editorial advisory board of Common Sense Media. He also leads mindfulness based stress reduction classes, often for groups of parents. Dr. Bertin’s book, The Family ADHD Solution, integrates mindfulness into evidence-based ADHD care.

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