Categories: ADHD Treatment

ADHD Treatment Options: CBT Therapy vs. ADHD Coaching

Two popular approaches to ADHD treatment are Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and ADHD coaching. Let’s examine both, including services offered by The ADD Resource Center for Coaching.

The ADD Resource Center specializes in ADHD coaching and offers personalized support for individuals with ADHD. Their coaching services focus on developing practical strategies to manage ADHD symptoms and improve overall life functioning.

Comparing CBT Therapy and ADHD Coaching

  1. Approach:
    • CBT: A structured, psychological treatment that focuses on changing negative thought patterns and behaviors.
    • ADHD Coaching: A more flexible, goal-oriented approach that emphasizes practical skills and strategies.
  2. Focus:
    • CBT: Addresses underlying thought processes and emotional responses.
    • ADHD Coaching: Concentrates on day-to-day challenges and developing specific coping mechanisms.
  3. Duration:
    • CBT: Often has a defined treatment period, typically lasting several months.
    • ADHD Coaching: This can be ongoing, and it adjusts to the client’s evolving needs.
  4. Setting:
    • CBT: Usually conducted in a clinical setting with a licensed therapist.
    • ADHD Coaching: Often more flexible, including phone or video sessions, as offered by The ADD Resource Center.
  5. Techniques:
    • CBT: Uses techniques like cognitive restructuring and behavioral experiments.
    • ADHD Coaching: Employs tools like time management systems, organizational strategies, and accountability check-ins.
  6. Goals:
    • CBT: Aims to change thought patterns and reduce symptoms of anxiety or depression often co-occurring with ADHD.
    • ADHD Coaching: Focuses on improving executive functioning skills and achieving specific life goals.

Benefits of ADHD Coaching with The ADD Resource Center:

  1. Personalized strategies for managing ADHD symptoms
  2. Improved time management and organizational skills
  3. Enhanced focus and productivity
  4. Better goal-setting and achievement
  5. Increased self-awareness and self-esteem
  6. Stress reduction techniques
  7. Improved communication and relationship skills
  8. Support for academic or career challenges
  9. Accountability and motivation
  10. Coping strategies for emotional regulation

Choosing the Right Approach

The choice between CBT and ADHD coaching (or a combination of both) depends on individual needs:

  • If emotional and thought pattern issues are significant, CBT might be more appropriate.
  • For practical, day-to-day management of ADHD symptoms, coaching from The ADD Resource Center could be ideal.
  • Some individuals benefit from both approaches simultaneously or at different stages of their ADHD management.

Remember, the effectiveness of either approach can vary from person to person. It’s often beneficial to consult healthcare providers or ADHD specialists to determine the best treatment plan.


For over 30 years, Harold Robert Meyer and The ADD Resource Center have provided expert ADHD support through:

  • Comprehensive services for individuals, families, and organizations:
    • Personalized guidance and education
    • Behavioral intervention strategies
    • Support for healthcare providers, educators, and industry
  • Evidence-based resources:
    • Informative articles and publications
    • Workshops and seminars
  • Advocacy to promote understanding and reduce stigma

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