
Comorbidities (Co-ccurring Conditions)

Common mental health conditions that can be experienced in the same person in different combinations.

4 years ago

ADHD and Low Self-Esteem

“I had goals and ambition and big dreams.  But after so many setbacks, I’ve kind of given up.  My self-esteem…

4 years ago

Stressed Out? (Is it stress or anxiety?)

Everyone experiences stress, and sometimes that stress can feel overwhelming. You may be at risk for an anxiety disorder if…

4 years ago

New Experimental Evidence on how Sleep Impacts ADHD

It is estimated that up to 75% of youth with ADHD have sleep problems. And, experimental studies that manipulate sleep…

4 years ago

Trastorno Bipolar

¿Qué es el trastorno bipolar? El trastorno bipolar es un trastorno mental que puede ser crónico o episódico (lo que…

4 years ago

Working From Home – Tips & Tricks

Create habits for success Changing from an in-office/lab environment to working from home represents a change in routine for most of…

4 years ago

Stress and the Importance of Self-Care

How Does Stress Feel? Learning how your body reacts when you become stressed and looking for those signs in the…

4 years ago

Bipolar Disorders

Download PDF Download ePub Order a free hardcopy En Español Do you feel very happy and outgoing—or very irritable—on some…

4 years ago

Promoting Academic Success in College Students with ADHD

This is a low-cost, low-risk intervention that students, parents and clinicians could readily implement. 

4 years ago

Anxiety at a Glance – Other Complementary Approaches

Anxiety at a Glance Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness, or fear about an event or situation. It’s normal…

4 years ago