If you have ADHD or think you might:
The A.D.D. Resource Center can help!

From The Perspective of an ADHD Coach, Here Are Some Quick Tips For Reducing Clutter And Getting Organized:

If you liked this article, you may also like:  How to Create a Calm Home for People with ADHD Harold Robert Meyer 9/16/2023 Articles on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition. This information may not be complete, accurate, or up-to-date, so be sure to speak with yourhealthcare … Read more

Hearing The Same Thing Over And Over Again Causes You To Listen/Understand/ Less

Have you ever noticed that when you hear the same thing over and over again, it starts to lose its impact? This phenomenon is known as desensitization to repeated messages, and it can profoundly affect our ability to understand and listen effectively. It greatly impacts relationships, especially if one or both people have ADHD.

9 Things To Know About Complementary Health Approaches for ADHD for Children and Teens


Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is common among children and teens; almost 10 percent (6 million) have been diagnosed with this condition. Many complementary health approaches have been studied for ADHD, but none has been conclusively shown to be more effective than conventional therapies. Here are 9 things to know if you are considering a complementary … Read more

What is “Active Listening” and How Do You Practice It?

Active listening is a crucial skill that allows individuals to fully engage in conversations and understand the message being conveyed. It involves hearing the words spoken and paying attention to the speaker’s non-verbal cues, such as body language and tone of voice. When practicing active listening, individuals strive to comprehend the speaker’s perspective and convey empathy. Active listening goes beyond passively hearing; it requires concentration, mental presence, and an open mind.

Often, what someone with ADHD hears can seem like criticism to them, and instead of listening to understand, they are preparing for a defense.

Beyond ADHD: Exploring the Nexus of Co-Occurring Conditions

While ADHD itself can significantly impact an individual’s daily functioning, it is not uncommon for it to co-occur with other conditions. Understanding these co-occurring conditions is crucial in providing comprehensive support and effective treatment for individuals with ADHD.

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