Brief sleep intervention provides enduring benefits to children with ADHD

The impact of brief sleep interventions in youth with both ADHD and sleep difficulties.

3 years ago

Managing Stress and Anxiety

Live stream from NIMH Transcription can be found here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WThJm4eI8Wk

4 years ago

ADHD: Controversy, Key Research Findings, Rising Prevalence, and Promise

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u84aRBcsl9A&feature=emb_logo This video is 1 hour and 5 minutes long. Dr. Stephen Hinshaw of The University of California, San Francisco…

4 years ago

What Works for ADHD? Here’s What Parents Say

What Works for ADHD? Here's What Parents Say

4 years ago

Spanish-Language Resources From NCCIH

Information on complementary and integrative health in Spanish.

4 years ago

25 Tips, Tricks, and Tools To Get Sleep with ADHD

With this guide you will be able to try top tips to regain control of your sleep health when you…

4 years ago

School-Based Intervention Strategies for Children with ADHD

ADHD can significantly affect children’s physical and emotional well-being, academic achievements, and interactions with others. Children with ADHD appear to…

4 years ago