Beyond ADHD: Other Factors to Consider Before Diagnosis

ADHD has become a common diagnosis in today's society, but it's important to note that not all symptoms are caused…

5 months ago

Does ADHD Medication Help Children Learn More?

One of the most consistently found adverse effects of ADHD is on inhibiting children's learning. In particular, many studies have…

5 months ago

What is The Difference Between Multi-tasking and Multi-switching for Someone Who Has ADHD?

In an attempt to cope with this, many people with ADHD resort to multitasking. However, there is a growing understanding…

5 months ago

Are you new to ADHD?

While ADHD is a widely recognized condition, there are still misconceptions and misunderstandings surrounding it.

6 months ago

If All Else Is Equal, Am I Better off Choosing An ADHD Coach or Therapist of My Gender?

One aspect that often comes up when considering an ADHD Coach or therapist is gender. While it may not be…

6 months ago

Is There a Peer Reviewed Relationship Between ADHD and Premenstrual Syndrome, or PMS?

There is emerging evidence suggesting a potential relationship between ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) and premenstrual syndrome (PMS) or premenstrual dysphoric disorder…

6 months ago

Is there any documented relationship between tinnitus and ADHD?

There is some evidence suggesting a potential relationship between tinnitus and ADHD.

6 months ago

Looking Beyond Black and White Thinking

Black and white thinking, also known as dichotomous thinking, is a cognitive distortion that involves viewing the world in extremes…

6 months ago

Is ADHD an Excuse or a Reason?

Understanding the nature and symptoms of ADHD is crucial in order to address the ongoing debate about whether it is…

6 months ago

How Do I Make Sure My Mate is Listening to Me and ADHD is Not Getting in The Way?

Individuals with ADHD often struggle with paying attention, staying focused, and controlling impulsive behaviors. These challenges can significantly impact communication…

6 months ago