Reading Body Language when you have ADHD.
Reading body language is the art of interpreting nonverbal cues and signals that people use to convey their thoughts.
Reading body language is the art of interpreting nonverbal cues and signals that people use to convey their thoughts.
Some psychotropic medications can interfere with a person’s ability to regulate heat and their awareness that their body temperature is rising.
Shortage of ADHD medication
These findings suggest that excessive video game play may be a risk factor for the development of ADHD symptoms. Other research suggests the possibility of reverse causation, i.e., that ADHD symptoms predicts the development of excessive video game play.
A program that combines computer-based and driving simulator training may reduce the proportion of crashes and near crashes among teens with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Stress is a physical and emotional reaction that people experience as they encounter challenges in life. When you’re under stress, your body reacts by releasing hormones that produce the “fight-or-flight” response.
Is it better to start with medication treatment and add behavior therapy if needed? Or, should behavior therapy come first with medication added if the child’s response is not sufficient? Or, is it always preferable to begin with combined treatment? Does the order in which treatment begins even make a difference?
How might our actions change if we are open to accepting that certain behaviors displayed by children and adolescents (and adults) are not rooted in laziness or a lack of trying but rather represent an often desperate attempt to avoid failure, humiliation, and emotional exhaustion in what is perceived to be a less than supportive environment?
Identifying factors that buffer some youth with ADHD from negative developmental outcomes is important as it could inform efforts to minimize the negative long-term effects of ADHD.