You're staring at your credit card statements with that all-too-familiar knot in your stomach. With ADHD, managing finances can feel…
Yes, it is possible for a parent to limit a child's screen time without drama, though it requires a thoughtful…
Individuals with ADHD are more likely to experience issues with drugs, alcohol, and gambling.
The question of whether social media has a negative impact on attention spans is complex and has been the subject…
It is plausible that exposure to cannabis in-utero could be associated with an increased risk of neurodevelopmental disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity…
Eating disorders are actually serious and often fatal illnesses that are associated with severe disturbances in people’s eating behaviors and…
A new study shows that in the time after first trying cannabis or first misusing prescription drugs, the percentages of…
Learn a scientific approach to the policy and practice of nicotine addiction.