ADHD Treatment

Mental Health Parity

The Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 (MHPAEA) is a federal law…

5 years ago

The Importance of ADHD Treatment Monitoring

While deciding on an initial ADHD treatment plan is certainly important, equally important is establishing a plan to monitor how…

7 years ago

Music Can be a Boon for Children with ADHD

Music Intervention For Children With ADHD

7 years ago

Kids and Sleep

While the biological mechanisms responsible for sleep are still unknown, it is clear that adequate sleep is required for a healthy mind…

7 years ago

What works for ADHD? Here’s what parents say

Results from this survey provide useful information to parents seeking effective ADHD treatment for their child that complements what has…

7 years ago

Behavior Therapy for ADHD

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends behavior therapy first for children under 6 years of age, and a combination of medication and…

7 years ago

How to Select a Professional to Work with You and/or Your Child

Choosing a professional or other specialists to help counsel, diagnose or treat you or your child with ADHD can be…

7 years ago

Would Your Child Benefit from a Clinical Trial?

  You may have heard of clinical trials, and your doctor may even have suggested your child enroll in one. Clinical…

7 years ago

ADHD Monitoring System

ADHD Monitoring System by David Rabiner, Ph.D. Duke University The ADHD Monitoring System is intended to help parents and health…

7 years ago

The CDC’s Physician Office Visits for Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Adolescents Aged 4–17 Years: United States, 2012–2013

Health care utilization related to ADHD is of interest because the prevalence of parent-reported ADHD diagnosis among U.S. children and…

7 years ago