Preparing For a Job Interview When You Have ADHD
25 tips in preparation for a job interview when you have ADD.
25 tips in preparation for a job interview when you have ADD.
Personal income tax is due in April, and getting your financial records ready in time is difficult, even for people without ADHD. To help you efficiently get through it all without feeling overwhelmed, think of the process of tax prep as a project with various tasks to complete throughout the month. Below are seven tasks you can create to help make reporting income tax a more feasible project to complete.
Suggestions on the best ways to get work done when working from your home.
Many great and successful people in the past had AD/HD, such as Einstein and Churchill. By accommodating employees with AD/HD, many of them can thrive with tremendous success at work; thus, proving to be valuable assets to their workplace if given the proper opportunity.
ACCESS NYC BENEFIT INFORMATION Â Â ONE PLACE ACCESS NYC is a free service that helps you find out if you may qualify for over 30 City, State and Federal benefit programs. You can apply online for certain programs through ACCESS NYC. Find out if you are eligible and where to apply here: … Read more
Ways to make work easier.
Learn the usefulness and importance of 30-minute meetings.
Links to learn about tax benefits and education.
Learn about the important legal risks of lying on your resume when applying for jobs.
If you’re in an ADHD relationship, you know it can be frustrating, thus making it necessary to understand ADHD in order to understand your partner’s habits/qualities. Here are 20 things to remember about ADHD.