
Classroom Accommodations and Strategies – Yamalis Diaz, PhD – Audio

Listen to the audio presentation, and read the accompanying slides to learn about classroom accommodations and strategies for your ADD/ADHD…

9 years ago

ADHD and Sexuality (AUDIO) Sari Cooper, LCSW

In this audio presentation by: Sari Cooper, LCSW, you will learn how to: `Identify the most common sexual dysfunctions associated…

10 years ago

The ADHD Effect on Marriage by Melissa Orlov

Audio presentation by Melissa Orlov: ADHD couples pick exactly the wrong approaches to solving their marital problems that would make…

12 years ago

An Evening With Edward (Ned) Hallowell – February 2012

Audio presentation by Ned Hallowell.

12 years ago


CHANGES TO THE DSM HOW THEY WILL AFFECT YOU The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) Is Changing!…

13 years ago

ADHD and Executive Function by Dr. Russell A. Barkley, Ph.D.

Audio presentation by Dr. Barkley on executive functioning.

13 years ago

The Overlap Between ADHD and Bipolar Disorder

Audio presentation by Cathryn A. Galanter, M.D. on the overlap between attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and bipolar disorder.

14 years ago

ADHD and High Functioning w/Jesse Wagenberg – Audio File

Audio presentation by Jesse Wagenberg.

14 years ago

ADDing in the Love

Audio presentation on love and ADHD relationships.

14 years ago