
Whenever I try To Speak to My Adolescent, I Hear, “Don’t Guilt Me.” How Do I Counter? ‍

Manipulation in communication can be disheartening for a parent to constantly hear their adolescent say, “Don’t guilt me,” whenever they…

7 months ago

Why Can’t My Parents Understand Me? Were they never young?

Many of us have experienced frustration and bewilderment when communicating with our parents. It often feels like an insurmountable barrier…

7 months ago

So You Just Flunked Out of School.

Flunking out of school can be a devastating blow, filled with emotions and uncertainty about the future. One of the…

7 months ago

Craving Drama and Starting Arguments When You Have ADHD.

Many people with ADHD crave drama and arguments because their brains crave stimulation. When the ADHD brain doesn’t have enough…

7 months ago

Overcoming the ADHD Perfectionism Trap

Perfectionism can also have a dark side, leading to negative consequences for mental health and overall well-being. Understanding the underlying…

7 months ago

Don’t Let Upsetting Emails Get You Down: Strategies for Responding Effectively When You Have ADHD.

Don't Let Upsetting Emails Get You Down: Strategies for Responding Effectively When You Have ADHD.

8 months ago

Why do some people with ADHD come across as self-centered and self-indulgent when they might not be?

Contrary to popular belief, individuals with ADHD can be incredibly caring and giving. Their impulsivity and hyperactivity may manifest in…

8 months ago

How To Practice “Active Listening”

Active listening is a crucial skill that allows individuals to engage in conversations and fully understand the message. This can…

8 months ago

What medications are used to treat ADHD?

Medication won’t “cure” ADHD. But it can help improve focus, attention, and impulse control.

8 months ago

What Can an ADHD Coach Do For Me That I Can’t Do for Myself?

This article will explore the role of an ADHD coach, the benefits of working with one, and how personalized strategies…

8 months ago