
I Don’t Know How to Break a Task Down into Smaller Pieces, Even Though Many People Recommend It for Someone with ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) poses unique challenges for task management and productivity. One common struggle for you is the…

8 months ago

Challenges Faced by Blind Individuals with ADHD

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects an individual's ability to focus, control impulses, and regulate energy levels.…

8 months ago

Persuasion isn’t about what you want; it’s about how it will benefit them to give you something.

Persuasion isn't about what you want; it's about how it will benefit them to give you something.

9 months ago

How Important Is It For You to Make Your Bed in The Morning?

Making your bed in the morning has numerous benefits that extend beyond just having a tidy bedroom.

10 months ago

From The Perspective of an ADHD Coach, Here Are Some Quick Tips For Reducing Clutter And Getting Organized:

Break it down into small, manageable tasks instead of tackling everything at once. Set a timer/electronic assistant for 15-20 minutes…

10 months ago

What is “Active Listening” and How Do You Practice It?

Active listening is a crucial skill that allows individuals to fully engage in conversations and understand the message being conveyed.…

10 months ago

Beyond ADHD: Exploring the Nexus of Co-Occurring Conditions

While ADHD itself can significantly impact an individual's daily functioning, it is not uncommon for it to co-occur with other…

11 months ago

Using Visual Cues to Remember or Retrieve Information When You Have ADHD

Working memory is the cognitive system responsible for temporarily holding and manipulating information in the mind. When working memory is…

11 months ago

Do Children With ADHD Lie More Than Children Without ADHD, And If So, Why?

Research suggests that children with ADHD may engage in lying behavior more frequently than their peers without ADHD.

11 months ago

I Love My Child, But I Hate Him When He Misbehaves. Could I Be a Bad Mother?

Motherhood is a complex and emotional journey. It is a rollercoaster of love, joy, frustration, and sometimes even anger. As…

11 months ago