
Why Is It So Hard for Some with ADHD To Let Go of a Discussion or Argument?

Individuals with ADHD often struggle with maintaining focus, controlling impulses, and regulating emotions. These challenges can significantly impact their ability…

6 months ago

Why Can’t My Parents Understand Me? Were they never young?

Many of us have experienced frustration and bewilderment when communicating with our parents. It often feels like an insurmountable barrier…

7 months ago

Why Do Adults With ADHD Tend To Make Excuses?

Adults with ADHD often face unique challenges in their daily lives, which can lead to the tendency to make excuses…

9 months ago

Tips for Friends, Family, and Colleagues to Support Individuals with ADHD in Communication

Individuals with ADHD often face challenges in communication due to difficulties with attention, impulse control, and hyperactivity. Understanding these challenges…

9 months ago

Hearing The Same Thing Over And Over Again Causes You To Listen/Understand/ Less

Have you ever noticed that when you hear the same thing over and over again, it starts to lose its…

10 months ago

What is “Active Listening” and How Do You Practice It?

Active listening is a crucial skill that allows individuals to fully engage in conversations and understand the message being conveyed.…

10 months ago

How To Ask Your Boss For Help Without Being Perceived As Incompetent or Weak

The ability to ask for help at work can greatly contribute to your professional development. Many individuals hesitate to seek…

11 months ago

Let Your Body Language Do The Talking

Body language is a powerful form of communication that can influence how others perceive us and how we perceive ourselves.…

11 months ago

How to Disagree Without Drama

Disagreements are a natural part of life. Whether it's in our personal relationships or professional endeavors, we are bound to…

12 months ago

Young Adults With ADHD Living At Home: How To Communicate With Them

Young Adults With ADHD Living At Home: How To Communicate With Them. Tips for effective communication with a young adult…

1 year ago