If you have ADHD or think you might:
The A.D.D. Resource Center can help!

Why college students don’t regularly use their ADHD meds.

One recent study found that college students adhered to only 53% of prescribed ADHD medication doses, with the lowest rates of among first-year students. Developing a more complete understanding for why many new college students don’t adhere to their prescribed medication regime could helpful promote more consistent adherence.

The Over and Under Use of ADHD Medication Treatment

Although medication treatment for ADHD has been shown to significantly reduce core ADHD symptoms in hundreds of studies, important concerns remain about it being prescribed inappropriately to children and teens who do not have ADHD. There is also evidence that many youth with ADHD who could potentially benefit from medication treatment do not receive it, and may realize poorer outcomes in as a result.

Herb-Drug Interactions

The possibility of drug interactions, direct toxicities, and contamination with active pharmaceutical agents are among the safety concerns about dietary and herbal supplements.

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