Learning disabilities and ADHD (Written for kids)
ADHD is not a learning disability, but it may affect how you learn. By becoming knowledgeable about your learning disability, you can learn to tackle it.
High IQ Kids With ADHD – Thomas E. Brown, Ph.D.
A new study has shown that students with ADD can have very high IQs but have difficulty with their working memories and processing speeds.
Will My Child Be Messed Up Forever?
Many parents are discouraged by their child’s bad behavior, but children do change due to their ability to learn problem solving skills. Yet, children cannot do it alone. Parents also have to learn new skills to make changes in their child’s behavior.
I’m A Victim, So the Rules Don’t Apply to Me
“How to Stop ‘Victim Thinking’ in Kids.”
Treatment of Children with Mental Illness | NIMH
“This fact sheet addresses common questions about diagnosis and treatment options for children with mental illnesses. Disorders affecting children may include anxiety disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorders, bipolar disorder, depression, eating disorders, and schizophrenia.”
Organization, Time Management and Planning Deficits in Children with ADHD
Audio presentation by: Dr. Richard Gallagher.
ADHD Executive Function And School Success
It has been discovered that the executive functioning (EF)—also known as critical cognitive skills—deficits of students with ADHD causes them to take three years longer to mature than those without the disorder. What are examples of EF deficits? How does this impact an ADHD student? And how does one overcome their executive functioning deficit?
The Children Left Behind
Many children who have ADHD are not diagnosed, and many parents think their child is just going through a phase and thus do not seek help for their child. What actions can schools and parents do to help their ADHD children?
Does My Child Have ADHD – Video by NIMH
General information video.