If you have ADHD or think you might:
The A.D.D. Resource Center can help!

How to Use the Eisenhower Matrix to Determine Prioritization

The Eisenhower Matrix is particularly beneficial for individuals with ADHD, who often struggle with prioritization and time management. By visualizing priorities, reducing decision fatigue, improving time management, and enhancing accountability, the matrix helps individuals stay focused and organized, allowing them to make quicker and more informed decisions.

I have five things I need to do, and I don’t know how to assign Priorities. ADD Resource Center, Please Help!

When faced with a long list of tasks and responsibilities, it can be overwhelming to decide where to start. Understanding the importance of prioritization is the first step toward effective time management and productivity. Prioritization allows individuals to focus on tasks that bring the most value and contribute to their overall goals.

Embracing Failure as a Learning Opportunity When You Have ADHD

Living with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can present unique challenges in various aspects of life, including academics, work, and relationships. ADHD affects individuals differently but often leads to difficulty focusing, organizing, and managing time effectively. These challenges can sometimes result in setbacks and failures, discouraging and overwhelming individuals. However, it is important to remember that failure does not define one’s potential for success. By understanding ADHD and its challenges, individuals can develop strategies to overcome obstacles and thrive.

Why Can’t My Parents Understand Me? Were they never young?

Many of us have experienced frustration and bewilderment when communicating with our parents. It often feels like an insurmountable barrier between us, preventing them from truly understanding our thoughts, emotions, and aspirations. But why is it so difficult for our parents to understand us? Did they never go through the same struggles and challenges we face today?

So You Just Flunked Out of School.

woman in bed not sleeping

Flunking out of school can be a devastating blow, filled with emotions and uncertainty about the future. One of the first challenges you may face is figuring out how to break the news to your parents. It’s essential to start by finding the right time and place to have this conversation with your parents. Choose a calm and private setting to have an open and honest discussion without distractions. It’s crucial to be prepared for their initial reaction, ranging from disappointment to anger. Remember that their response comes from a place of concern and love, even if it doesn’t feel that way. “There is also, “What do I tell the neighbors?” That’s their issue.

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