If you have ADHD or think you might:
The A.D.D. Resource Center can help!

How to Change Your Circadian Rhythm Effortlessly

Navigating the complex landscape of our internal clock, or circadian rhythm, is a fundamental yet challenging endeavor for many, especially in a world of ADHD. This rhythm, dictating not only when we feel ready for sleep but also our appetite, mood, and overall health, can fall out of sync due to various factors such as stress, travel, and extended exposure to artificial light.

‘Why can’t I sleep?!’

A good night’s rest does more than energize you—sleep can affect your mood, keep your heart healthy, and help you feel better when you’re sick. About 1 in 3 adults in the United States say they don’t get enough sleep.

Peer-reviewed evidence of a correlation between sleep disorders and ADHD.

Is there a peer-reviewed correlation between sleep disorders and ADHD? Harold Robert Meyer 10/02/2023       addrc.org  haroldmeyer@addrc.org There is peer-reviewed evidence of a correlation between sleep disorders and ADHD. A meta-analysis published in Sleep Medicine looked at 24 different studies on sleep problems in children with ADHD. It found sleep issues are significantly more common in … Read more

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