The ADD Resource Center / Harold Robert Meyer 08/22/2024 In today's competitive job market, finding the right opportunity…
Making the most of your situation after being terminated and looking for your new role.
Self Advocacy When You Have ADHD: Strategies to ensure your supervisor becomes aware of your strengths and contributions.
Navigating the aftermath of being terminated from a job can be daunting. Explaining termination, whether to prospective employers or yourself,…
Remember to always send a thank-you letter or email and know the appropriate timing and method to do so. Here…
If your emails exhibit enhanced clarity, conciseness, and efficiency in composition, why avoid utilizing AI for their creation?
How do you advocate for yourself without appearing pompous.
Steps to take if your team has Quiet Quit. (Also in Spanish).
How to Change How You Are Perceived at Work when you have ADHD,
Individuals with ADHD often thrive in careers that match their strengths and interests while providing a stimulating and flexible environment.…