If you have ADHD or think you might:
The A.D.D. Resource Center can help!

Disagreements are an inevitable part of life, and they can be especially challenging when they escalate into tense and heated situations.

Handling disagreements with poise and professionalism requires both
interpersonal skills and self-awareness. Here are some tips that can
help you stay cool and deescalate tense situations: Practice active
listening: When someone is upset or disagrees with you, it’s important
to listen carefully to what they’re saying. Try to understand their
perspective and avoid interrupting them. Repeat back what they said to
make sure you understood correctly. By doing so, you show that you
respect their opinion and are willing to work towards a solution.

Manage your emotions: It’s easy to get caught up in the heat of the
moment, but it’s important to manage your emotions and stay calm. Take
deep breaths, count to 10, or take a short break to regain your
composure. It’s also helpful to identify your triggers and have a plan
to address them before a disagreement arises.

Reframe the conversation: Instead of arguing or getting defensive, try
to reframe the discussion by focusing on finding a solution. Ask
questions that encourage the other person to share their thoughts and
feelings and brainstorm together to find a way forward.

Use “I” statements: Avoid using accusatory language, which can
escalate the situation. Instead, use “I” statements to express how you
feel and what you need. For example, “I feel frustrated when you
interrupt me, and I would appreciate it if you could let me finish

Find common ground: Look for areas of agreement and build on them.
Acknowledge the other person’s point of view and find ways to
compromise. This shows that you are open to finding a solution that
works for both parties.

Seek outside help: If you’re unable to resolve the disagreement on
your own, seek outside help from a mediator or a neutral third party.
This can help facilitate a productive conversation and prevent the
situation from escalating further.

By practicing these techniques, you can navigate disagreements with
poise and professionalism and maintain positive relationships with
those around you. Remember to remain calm, focused, and respectful,
and prioritize finding a solution that works for everyone involved.


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