If you have ADHD or think you might:
The A.D.D. Resource Center can help!

eBooks by Harold Meyer and Susan Lasky

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Get full descriptions of the articles included in these books here.

Managing your Child with ADD/ADHD at Home

child's feet
Photo credit: KellyP42 at Morguefile.com

34  pages of practical advice for parenting children with ADHD, written by Harold Meyer and Susan Lasky.  Take the challenge out of parenting and improve the behavior and self esteem of any child.  Includes articles available on The A.D.D. Resource Center website, plus others that are not posted, including the 9-page article “Behavioral Interventions for Parents”AND:

  • Nurturing Self Esteem In Children
  • Personal Boundaries
  • Discipline Counts
  • ADD and the Dysfunctional Family
  • Bullying and Teasing
  • ADD and Anger

Just $4.95

3 school busses
DodgertonSkillhause at Morguefile.com

Managing Your Child with ADHD at School

51 pages of wonderfully useful tips and strategies on how to help your child succeed in school, written by Harold Meyer and Susan Lasky. Includes articles available on The A.D.D. Resource Center website, plus others that are not posted, including:

  • Classroom & Education Management
  • How to Advocate in the Educational System
  • School Check-In
  • 105 Tips for Teachers and Parents
  • The ADD/ADHD Child & School: Not Always A Good Match
  • What Should You Consider Success in School
  • Students (Post-Secondary & Earlier)with ADHD: Legal Rights & Accommodations

Just $4.95

Or get both books for just $9.95

Managing your Child with ADHD at Home AND at School  just $9.95

Eighty-two pages of the best articles about managing ADHD in your children at home and at school. Special appendix with 105 tips for teachers. This ebook includes everything listed below!

angry mask
Photo credit: mightydoggie at Morguefile.com

Behavioral Interventions for Parents of Children with ADD/ADHD

Eleven pages of tips for parents of children with ADD, ADHD and related disorders. Including information on structure, order, consistency, anger management, how to talk to your child, and in general, working towards success for you child.

Just $2.95

Steps to Take After Your Child’s ADHD Diagnosis: A Practical Approach

family holding hands

This comprehensive guide offers a practical roadmap for navigating the post-diagnosis journey. Discover tailored treatment options, school strategies, and home techniques to create a nurturing environment where your child can flourish. Embrace a proactive approach, fostering emotional resilience and harnessing unique strengths. Embark on this transformative adventure with confidence, equipping your family with the tools to conquer ADHD’s challenges and unlock boundless potential.

JUST $9.95

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