If you have ADHD or think you might:
The A.D.D. Resource Center can help!

Essential ADHD Doctor Appointment Checklist: Maximize Your Visit

Harold Robert Meyer https://www.addrc.org/ addrc.org 10/03/2024

Living with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can be challenging. However, a well-prepared doctor’s appointment can significantly improve your care. Use this comprehensive checklist to make the most of your next ADHD consultation.

📋 Pre-Appointment Preparation

  • Schedule an appointment during peak symptom times
  • Maintain a symptom journal for 1-2 weeks prior
  • Collect relevant medical and academic records
  • List questions and concerns

🧠 Key ADHD Symptoms to Discuss

Attention Issues

  • Task focus difficulties
  • Distractibility
  • Project completion struggles


  • Fidgeting or restlessness
  • Excessive talking or interrupting
  • Difficulty remaining seated


  • Rash decision-making
  • Turn-taking challenges
  • Acting without considering consequences

Executive Function Challenges

  • Time management issues
  • Task and belongings organization problems
  • Prioritization and planning difficulties

💊 Medication Review

🏠 ADHD Impact on Daily Life

  • Work/school performance
  • Relationship dynamics
  • Home life management
  • Self-care routines

📜 Treatment History Overview

  • Past medications and outcomes
  • Non-pharmaceutical interventions
  • Effectiveness of previous treatments

🚀 Appointment Wrap-Up

  • Understand treatment plan changes
  • Obtain necessary prescriptions
  • Secure specialist referrals (if needed)
  • Schedule follow-up appointment

Remember: Open communication with your healthcare provider is crucial for effective ADHD management. This checklist empowers you to take control of your symptoms and treatment.


Disclaimer: This checklist serves as a general guide and does not replace professional medical advice. Always consult your healthcare provider for personalized care.

For over 30 years, Harold Robert Meyer and The ADD Resource Center have provided expert ADHD support through:

  • Comprehensive services for individuals, families, and organizations:
    • Personalized guidance and education
    • Behavioral intervention strategies
    • Support for healthcare providers, educators, and industry
  • Evidence-based resources:
    • Informative articles and publications
    • Workshops and seminars
  • Advocacy to promote understanding and reduce stigma

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