If you have ADHD or think you might:
The A.D.D. Resource Center can help!

A Parent’s Guide to Post-Holiday School Refusal Strategies

When your child refuses to do attend classes after a break, you’re not alone. School refusal strategies become crucial during these transition periods, especially after extended holidays when established routines have dissolved into relaxed schedules. 

Finding Pleasure: How to Enjoy Sex When ADHD Feels Like an Obstacle 

Living with ADHD can sometimes make intimate moments challenging. Your racing thoughts, difficulty focusing, and sensory sensitivities might feel like roadblocks to sexual satisfaction. But here’s the good news: with some understanding, communication, and strategic approaches, you can absolutely have fulfilling and enjoyable sexual experiences. 

Understanding and Overcoming Learned Helplessness: A Guide for Individuals and Partners

Learned helplessness—a psychological pattern where someone believes they have no control over their circumstances—can significantly impact both personal wellbeing and relationships. This guide explores how to recognize and address learned helplessness, whether you’re experiencing it yourself or supporting a partner through it.

It’s Almost Tax Time – Getting Your Financial Records in Order

Personal income tax is due in April, and getting your financial records ready in time is difficult, even for people without ADHD. To help you efficiently get through it all without feeling overwhelmed, think of the process of tax prep as a project with various tasks to complete throughout the month. Below are seven tasks you can create to help make reporting income tax a more feasible project to complete.

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