Beyond ADHD: Exploring the Nexus of Co-Occurring Conditions

While ADHD itself can significantly impact an individual's daily functioning, it is not uncommon for it to co-occur with other…

11 months ago

Using Visual Cues to Remember or Retrieve Information When You Have ADHD

Working memory is the cognitive system responsible for temporarily holding and manipulating information in the mind. When working memory is…

11 months ago

What Is The Difference Between Male ADHD And Female ADHD?

Research has shown that there are differences in how ADHD presents itself in males and females. Understanding these differences is…

11 months ago

Do Children With ADHD Lie More Than Children Without ADHD, And If So, Why?

Research suggests that children with ADHD may engage in lying behavior more frequently than their peers without ADHD.

11 months ago

I Love My Child, But I Hate Him When He Misbehaves. Could I Be a Bad Mother?

Motherhood is a complex and emotional journey. It is a rollercoaster of love, joy, frustration, and sometimes even anger. As…

11 months ago

Does physical activity help ADHD? A comprehensive review.

Results across multiple studies suggest a positive impact of PA (Physical Activity) on several of these outcomes in youth with…

11 months ago

Why Do Some People with ADHD Unconsciously Sabotage Their Relationships?

One of the key factors in understanding why some people with ADHD unconsciously sabotage a relationship is the difficulty they…

11 months ago

What do you do when your child is being bullied at school?

Bullying can take various forms, including physical, verbal, and psychological. It is essential to recognize these signs early on to…

11 months ago

How To Ask Your Boss For Help Without Being Perceived As Incompetent or Weak

The ability to ask for help at work can greatly contribute to your professional development. Many individuals hesitate to seek…

11 months ago