Medication refusal and alternatives: If ADHD medication is deemed appropriate but refused, there are several alternative approaches:

If ADHD medication is deemed appropriate but refused, there are several alternative approaches

3 weeks ago

Is there a “cure” for ADHD on the horizon?

Is there a "cure" for ADHD on the horizon? There is no known "cure" for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)…

3 weeks ago

How can a person advocate for themselves when they struggle with low self-esteem and ADHD?

Advocating for oneself when dealing with low self-esteem and ADHD can be challenging, but it's a critical skill for personal…

3 weeks ago

Should you change your doctor every couple of years?

Switching healthcare providers periodically can offer several significant benefits, ensuring that your healthcare remains optimal, up-to-date, and tailored to your…

3 weeks ago

How to make your emails precise, concise, and easy to read

To make your emails precise, concise, and easy to read, follow these guidelines:

4 weeks ago

Is there a best time of day to be productive when you have ADHD?

When it comes to ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), productivity can vary significantly from person to person. However, some general…

4 weeks ago

Is it possible for a parent to limit a child’s screen time without causing drama?

Yes, it is possible for a parent to limit a child's screen time without drama, though it requires a thoughtful…

4 weeks ago

Taking back the role of being the parent from your child.

Reclaiming the parental role from a child involves re-establishing boundaries, roles, and responsibilities within the family dynamic.

4 weeks ago

Tips and resources for understanding, encouraging, and empowering people of all ages on their ADHD journey.

If someone in your life has attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), here are some ways you can offer your support. 

4 weeks ago