Stressed Out? (Is it stress or anxiety?)

Everyone experiences stress, and sometimes that stress can feel overwhelming. You may be at risk for an anxiety disorder if…

5 years ago

New Experimental Evidence on how Sleep Impacts ADHD

It is estimated that up to 75% of youth with ADHD have sleep problems. And, experimental studies that manipulate sleep…

5 years ago

Promoting Academic Success in College Students with ADHD

This is a low-cost, low-risk intervention that students, parents and clinicians could readily implement. 

5 years ago

Anxiety at a Glance – Other Complementary Approaches

Anxiety at a Glance Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness, or fear about an event or situation. It’s normal…

5 years ago

Physical Activity May Protect Against New Episodes of Depression

Increased levels of physical activity can significantly reduce the odds of depression, even among people who are genetically predisposed to…

5 years ago

Adult ADHD Diagnosis: What to Ask a New Doctor

"What you should know about ADHD symptoms and treatment before talking with your doctor about a diagnosis and treatment."

5 years ago


Loneliness is more prevalent than many people realize and represents a major health issue, including a heightened risk for cardiovascular…

7 years ago

Ensuring Academic Success for Children With ADHD

Children with ADHD and/or learning disabilities often feel overwhelmed by the challenges they face at school. From focusing during a…

7 years ago

Teens with ADHD can’t tell when they are on medication

Teens with ADHD often times can't tell when they are on medication or when the medication is wearing off,

7 years ago

Music Can be a Boon for Children with ADHD

Music Intervention For Children With ADHD

7 years ago