Choosing a professional or other specialists to help counsel, diagnose or treat you or your child with ADHD can be…
Complicated relationships often arise between ADHD-diagnosed fathers and teenagers. Six different strategies can help fathers learn to resolve conflicts with…
Most fathers envision themselves as a supportive parent, but how can a father be a good parent if he has…
25 tips in preparation for a job interview when you have ADD.
Learn how to revisit your routine for medication, keep on track with taking medications, etc.
Organizational Skills Training for Children with ADHD: An Empirically Supported Treatment By: Gallagher, Abikoff, Spira This indispensable manual presents an…
Tips for helping your child with ADHD make new friends.
Overlapping symptoms that can help you diagnose ADHD.
Learn to listen to answers from others to ensure work can be done.