If you have ADHD or think you might:
The A.D.D. Resource Center can help!

Why do some people with ADHD come across as self-centered and self-indulgent when they might not be?

Contrary to popular belief, individuals with ADHD can be incredibly caring and giving. Their impulsivity and hyperactivity may manifest in a desire to help others or engage in activities that benefit their loved ones. By harnessing their energy and channeling it towards caring for others, individuals with ADHD can showcase their loving and giving nature.

“How do I talk to my partner about seeking therapy when they don’t think they need it?

Mental health is crucial to overall well-being, and addressing concerns is essential. Sometimes, however, individuals may be resistant to the idea of seeking therapy, even when they need it. As a partner, it can be challenging to broach this topic and express your concerns without causing defensiveness or conflict.

The Potential Impact of Brain Glucose Levels on the Manifestation of ADHD Symptoms

While the exact cause of ADHD is not fully understood, researchers have been investigating various factors that may contribute to this condition. One such area of interest is the role of glucose in brain function and its potential link to ADHD. Understanding how brain glucose levels may influence ADHD symptoms could offer valuable insights into the development of more effective treatment strategies.

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