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Is College the Only Path? Understanding Success When Your Child Skips Higher Education

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©2024 Harold Robert Meyer – All rights reservedhttps://www.addrc.org/ info@addrc.org Recognizing that career success isn’t solely contingent on higher education is vital if your son or daughter is hesitant about attending college. Alternative paths: Alternative routes such as associate degrees, certificates, and apprenticeships offer valuable, skills-based education tailored to specific career paths at a more affordable … Read more

How to Change Your Circadian Rhythm Effortlessly

Navigating the complex landscape of our internal clock, or circadian rhythm, is a fundamental yet challenging endeavor for many, especially in a world of ADHD. This rhythm, dictating not only when we feel ready for sleep but also our appetite, mood, and overall health, can fall out of sync due to various factors such as stress, travel, and extended exposure to artificial light.

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