If you have ADHD or think you might:
The A.D.D. Resource Center can help!

Financial Dependence of Young Adults with Childhood ADHD

Financial Dependence of Young Adults with Childhood ADHD by David Rabiner, Ph.D. Studies that have followed children with ADHD into young adulthood indicate that many struggle with interpersonal and attention difficulties in the workplace, are more more likely to get fired and/or change jobs frequently. This suggests that financial difficulties, and perhaps continued financial dependence on parents would be more common in … Read more

Tests and Measurements for the Parent, Teacher, Advocate, Attorney

by Peter W. D. Wright, Esq. and Pamela Darr Wright, M.A., M.S.W. “If something exists, it exists in some amount. If it exists in some amount, then it is capable of being measured.” – Rene Descartes, Principles of Philosophy, 1644   Introduction Most parents of special needs children know that they must understand the law and … Read more

How Children’s ADHD Symptoms Affect Parents’ Feelings & Behavior

ADHD in children puts stress on parents. In fact, parents of children with ADHD report greater parenting stress, less satisfaction in their parenting role, and more depressive symptoms than other parents. They also report more negative interactions with their child. This is certainly not true in all families where a child has ADHD but instead … Read more

Safe Stimulant Medication for Children with ADHD

Science News from research organizations Stimulant medication safe, effective for children with ADHD and congenital heart disease Date: October 5, 2015 Source: Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center Summary: Children with congenital heart disease and ADHD can take stimulant medications without fear of significant cardiovascular side effects, a new study concludes. A new study finds that … Read more

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