If you have ADHD or think you might:
The A.D.D. Resource Center can help!

Mind Racing, Ears Lagging: Why Your Fast-Paced Thoughts Can Hijack Understanding 

Every conversation we engage in highlights a fascinating cognitive phenomenon: our minds process information nearly four times faster than we can speak. This speed differential creates a unique challenge in human communication, particularly affecting those with ADHD, and shapes how we understand and respond to others. 

Online Anger Management Resources

VA Mental Health Services Anger is an emotion that everyone feels. It can range from mild irritation to rage. Different people experience different triggers. The most common triggers are stress, frustration, disappointment and annoyance. Everyone gets angry, but it becomes a problem when it happens too often and negatively affect daily life. To help those looking to manage … Read more

How to Politely Disagree, According to Science

How to Politely Disagree, According to Science by Michelle Kinder   After an election that was glaringly short on tolerance and compassion, it’s clear we need a new kind of public conversation, where we learn to reach beyond the comforts of people who already think like us, to listen and talk in new ways. This … Read more

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