If you have ADHD or think you might:
The A.D.D. Resource Center can help!

Fathers and Sons with ADHD

Most fathers envision themselves as a supportive parent, but how can a father be a good parent if he has AD/HD himself? and so does his offspring? Behaviors that often bother us most are the negative traits we see in ourselves, but through various coaching strategies, dads can effectively manage their own battles with AD/HD, as well as parenting their attention-deficit child in a loving manner.

Online Anger Management Resources

VA Mental Health Services Anger is an emotion that everyone feels. It can range from mild irritation to rage. Different people experience different triggers. The most common triggers are stress, frustration, disappointment and annoyance. Everyone gets angry, but it becomes a problem when it happens too often and negatively affect daily life. To help those looking to manage … Read more

A Parent’s Guide to Surviving the Teen Years

The teen years are often the most difficult years for parents to manage their children. Although it may be a period of conflict between parent and child, the teen years are the most important years for young adults to develop into the distinct individuals they will become. Learn what to expect and prepare for, how to react and cope, and how to deal.

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