
Deprescribing Medication

Deprescribing is the process of systematically reducing or stopping medications that may no longer be beneficial or may be causing…

6 days ago

How do you effectively communicate to your partner that you are putting in a lot of effort without it reflecting on them?

How can you communicate to your partner that you are putting in a lot of effort and it's not a…

2 weeks ago

Strategies to Improve Focus When You Have ADHD:

Strategies to Improve Focus When You Have ADHD

3 weeks ago

Medication refusal and alternatives: If ADHD medication is deemed appropriate but refused, there are several alternative approaches:

If ADHD medication is deemed appropriate but refused, there are several alternative approaches

3 weeks ago

How can a person advocate for themselves when they struggle with low self-esteem and ADHD?

Advocating for oneself when dealing with low self-esteem and ADHD can be challenging, but it's a critical skill for personal…

3 weeks ago

How to make your emails precise, concise, and easy to read

To make your emails precise, concise, and easy to read, follow these guidelines:

4 weeks ago

Is it possible for a parent to limit a child’s screen time without causing drama?

Yes, it is possible for a parent to limit a child's screen time without drama, though it requires a thoughtful…

4 weeks ago

Taking back the role of being the parent from your child.

Reclaiming the parental role from a child involves re-establishing boundaries, roles, and responsibilities within the family dynamic.

4 weeks ago

Tips and resources for understanding, encouraging, and empowering people of all ages on their ADHD journey.

If someone in your life has attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), here are some ways you can offer your support. 

4 weeks ago

If an individual has ADHD, what careers should they consider pursuing? Avoiding?

Individuals with ADHD often thrive in careers that match their strengths and interests while providing a stimulating and flexible environment.…

1 month ago