
“You Just Have to Try Harder and Show More Grit!”

How might our actions change if we are open to accepting that certain behaviors displayed by children and adolescents (and…

2 years ago


Stress is a physical and emotional reaction that people experience as they encounter challenges in life. When you’re under stress,…

2 years ago

Peer acceptance protects against negative outcomes for youth

Identifying factors that buffer some youth with ADHD from negative developmental outcomes is important as it could inform efforts to…

2 years ago

Sleep Disorders: Dos and Don’ts After a Bad Night’s Sleep

You're dragging after a night of tossing and turning. It's probably going to be a tough day at work. What…

3 years ago

Mind and Body Approaches for Stress and Anxiety: What the Science Says

Relaxation techniques may be helpful in managing a variety of stress-related health conditions, including anxiety associated with ongoing health problems…

3 years ago

Sleep treatment may help teens with ADHD who have co-occurring sleep problems

Teens with ADHD have more frequent sleeps problems than their peers, including delayed sleep onset, reduced sleep duration and quality,…

3 years ago

Hormone links exercise with cognitive benefits

Exercise may benefit brain health and improve cognitive performance during aging. It’s also associated with reduced Alzheimer’s disease risk and…

3 years ago

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are actually serious and often fatal illnesses that are associated with severe disturbances in people’s eating behaviors and…

3 years ago

How should ADHD treatment begin?

How should ADHD treatment begin?

4 years ago