
The Essential Skill: Learn How to Make Small Talk Effectively

The skill of engaging in small talk, especially when you have ADHD, effectively plays a crucial role in enhancing health…

4 months ago

The Dual Diagnosis: AUTISM and ADHD Coexistence

In our increasingly nuanced understanding of brain development, we recognize that a dual diagnosis of ASD and ADHD isn't merely…

5 months ago

A Guide to Co-dependency

Co-dependency is a complex and often misunderstood issue that affects many individuals and their relationships. In this comprehensive guide, we…

5 months ago

Prenatal cannabis use and the risk of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorder in offspring: A systematic review and meta-analysis

It is plausible that exposure to cannabis in-utero could be associated with an increased risk of neurodevelopmental disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity…

5 months ago

What Do You Now Do if You Threatened an Unreasonable Consequence for Your Child?

Threatening unreasonable consequences can significantly impact children's emotional well-being and their relationship with their parents. When parents use threats as…

5 months ago

How to Use the Eisenhower Matrix to Determine Prioritization

The Eisenhower Matrix is particularly beneficial for individuals with ADHD, who often struggle with prioritization and time management. By visualizing…

5 months ago

I have five things I need to do, and I don’t know how to assign Priorities. ADD Resource Center, Please Help!

When faced with a long list of tasks and responsibilities, it can be overwhelming to decide where to start. Understanding…

5 months ago

Understanding the Link Between ADHD and Sleep Apnea: 8 Essential Insights for Diagnosis and Treatment.

From exploring the shared symptoms and risk factors to discussing the potential impact of sleep apnea on ADHD symptoms, we…

5 months ago

Does ADHD Medication Help Children Learn More?

One of the most consistently found adverse effects of ADHD is on inhibiting children's learning. In particular, many studies have…

5 months ago

What is The Difference Between Multi-tasking and Multi-switching for Someone Who Has ADHD?

In an attempt to cope with this, many people with ADHD resort to multitasking. However, there is a growing understanding…

5 months ago