What Medication Can… And Can’t Do
Some information on what ADHD medication can and cannot do.
Some information on what ADHD medication can and cannot do.
Basic information on ADHD, such as: definition, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, etc.
“As a resident of New York, you and your family have access to a statewide Prescription Assistance Program (PAP). Create and print your FREE discount prescription drug card below. This card will provide you with Rx medication savings of up to 75% at more than 56,000 pharmacies across the country.”
A review of research for parents and caregivers on ADHD topics, such as: diagnosis, parental behavior, medicines and their risks, non-medicinal treatment options, etc. This summary can help you talk with your doctor about ADHD and your child.
Use this guide to help you talk to your doctor, pharmacist, or nurse about your medicines for depression. The guide lists all of the FDA-approved products now available to treat this condition. You will also find some general information to help you use your medicines wisely.
“This update is in follow-up to the FDA Communication about an Ongoing Safety Review of Stimulant Medications used in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).”
Medications intended for the treatment of ADHD by the FDA
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A list of common ADHD medications.