
Do You Feel Like Your Child’s Behavior is Your Fault?

Are you a martyr to save your kids from pain? Do you bail them out repeatedly? Is their behavior your…

13 years ago

Mary Fowler | Speaking With Your Child’s Educators.

Audio presentation by Mary Fowler on How to stop going in circles and actually get somewhere with your child's educators.

13 years ago

Teens and Privacy: Should I Spy on My Child?

Parents often feel the need to snoop into their teen’s private life; but, when is it appropriate and when is…

13 years ago

TDAH: ¿Mi niño la tiene? – en Español/Spanish

¿Cuáles son las señas de la TDAH? TDAH es la abreviación de trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad. Los…

14 years ago

Children and ADHD – CHADD NYC Presentation by Howard Abikoff, PhD

Audio presentation by Dr. Abikoff focuses on two ADHD topics during his presentation.

15 years ago

Guía para los padres ADD/ADHD (TDAH) – en Español/Spanish

Descargue el archivo PDF aquí           This information has been placed in the Public Domain. To…

15 years ago

Como Seleccionar a un Profesional para que Trabaje con Usted y con Su Hijo (TDAH) -en Español/Spanish

Written by Harold Robert Meyer, MBA, BCC, SCAC and Susan Karyn Lasky, M.S., BCC, SCAC Si usted tiene, o sospecha…

15 years ago