
Parent training to improve health behaviors in children with ADHD

While the adverse impact of ADHD on children's academic, behavioral, and social functioning is widely known, there is less awareness…

1 year ago

The Impact of Micronutrient Supplementation on ADHD in Children.

Children with ADHD are more likely than peers to be deficient in levels of certain minerals and fatty acids.

1 year ago

Video Game Use Predicts Increase in ADHD Symptoms

These findings suggest that excessive video game play may be a risk factor for the development of ADHD symptoms. Other…

1 year ago

Can teens with ADHD tell when they are on medication?

Can teens with ADHD tell when they are on medication?

2 years ago

Simulated driving program reduces crash risk for teens with ADHD in small study

A program that combines computer-based and driving simulator training may reduce the proportion of crashes and near crashes among teens…

2 years ago

Peer acceptance protects against negative outcomes for youth

Identifying factors that buffer some youth with ADHD from negative developmental outcomes is important as it could inform efforts to…

2 years ago

Mind and Body Approaches for Stress and Anxiety: What the Science Says

Relaxation techniques may be helpful in managing a variety of stress-related health conditions, including anxiety associated with ongoing health problems…

3 years ago

Hormone links exercise with cognitive benefits

Exercise may benefit brain health and improve cognitive performance during aging. It’s also associated with reduced Alzheimer’s disease risk and…

3 years ago

Clinical Trials: Information for Participants

Clinical research trials are at the heart of all medical advances. Researchers enroll women, men, and children in clinical trials…

3 years ago

Does the brain create reality?

Perception is not a reliable copy of the external world, but only part of it composed by external stimuli, while…

4 years ago