If you have ADHD or think you might:
The A.D.D. Resource Center can help!

Bipolar Disorders

Download PDF Download ePub Order a free hardcopy En Español Do you feel very happy and outgoing—or very irritable—on some days, but unusually sad or anxious on other days? Do the “up” periods go along with increased energy or activity? Do the “downs” go along with low energy, hopelessness, or inability to enjoy what you … Read more

Anxious people worry about risk, not loss

Life is a series of choices. Every time you make a decision, there is a possibility that things won’t go as expected (risk) or that something bad will happen (loss). Aversion to risk and loss have powerful influences on how we make decisions. In a new paper researchers studied the influence of risk and loss aversion in people with anxiety, a disorder characterized by debilitating avoidance behavior and difficulties making daily-life decisions.

Would Your Child Benefit from a Clinical Trial?

  You may have heard of clinical trials, and your doctor may even have suggested your child enroll in one. Clinical trials are voluntary research studies conducted in people and designed to answer specific questions about the safety and/or effectiveness of drugs, vaccines, other therapies, or new ways of using existing treatments. If your child were to … Read more

ADHD: Keeping Track of Numbers From the CDC

ADHD: Keeping Track of Numbers Learn more about attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and discover how CDC’s research helps us all understand how ADHD impacts children and families. What is ADHD? ADHD is one of the most common neurobehavioral disorders of childhood and often lasts into adulthood. More than 1 in 10 children, 4-17 years … Read more

Key Findings of The Prevalence of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Key Findings of The Prevalence of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Its Diagnosis and Treatment in a Community Based Epidemologic Study   CDC’s National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCBDDD) funded one of the largest community-based, epidemiologic studies of ADHD in the United States to enhance our understanding of ADHD in children and to make the … Read more

Pediatric care for children with ADHD

Pediatric care for children with ADHD – Discouraging new findings By David Rabiner, PhD   Most children with ADHD receive their care from community-based pediatricians. Given the large number of school-age children who require evaluation and treatment services for ADHD, and the adverse impact that poor quality care can have on children’s development, it is … Read more

Tests and Measurements for the Parent, Teacher, Advocate, Attorney

by Peter W. D. Wright, Esq. and Pamela Darr Wright, M.A., M.S.W. “If something exists, it exists in some amount. If it exists in some amount, then it is capable of being measured.” – Rene Descartes, Principles of Philosophy, 1644   Introduction Most parents of special needs children know that they must understand the law and … Read more

How Children’s ADHD Symptoms Affect Parents’ Feelings & Behavior

ADHD in children puts stress on parents. In fact, parents of children with ADHD report greater parenting stress, less satisfaction in their parenting role, and more depressive symptoms than other parents. They also report more negative interactions with their child. This is certainly not true in all families where a child has ADHD but instead … Read more

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