The ADD Resource Center

What Can an ADHD Coach Do For Me That I Can’t Do for Myself?

This article will explore the role of an ADHD coach, the benefits of working with one, and how personalized strategies…

8 months ago

Beyond ADHD: Exploring the Nexus of Co-Occurring Conditions

While ADHD itself can significantly impact an individual's daily functioning, it is not uncommon for it to co-occur with other…

11 months ago

How Occam’s Razor Applies To You.

Occam's Razor, is a principle that suggests that the simplest explanation is usually the correct one. This principle is based…

1 year ago

How should ADHD treatment begin?

Is it better to start with medication treatment and add behavior therapy if needed? Or, should behavior therapy come first with…

2 years ago

Síntomas y Diagnóstico del TDAH (Also in English)

Las personas con TDAH muestran un patrón persistente de falta de atención o hiperactividad/impulsividad que interfiere con el funcionamiento o…

5 years ago

Adult ADHD Diagnosis: What to Ask a New Doctor

"What you should know about ADHD symptoms and treatment before talking with your doctor about a diagnosis and treatment."

5 years ago

Gift Guide

A collection of our top 20 ADHD favorite gift ideas that are sure to please.  Happy shopping!!

7 years ago

ADD Resource Center Coaching Programs

Our A.D.D. Resource Center (ADDRC) Coaches work with high-functioning adults, children and adolescents to remediate those issues that negatively impact…

7 years ago

How to Review Your Medicine Regime

Learn how to revisit your routine for medication, keep on track with taking medications, etc.

7 years ago

Overlapping Symptoms of ADHD and Other Psychiatric Disorders

Overlapping symptoms that can help you diagnose ADHD.

7 years ago